“A One and A Two…” (Or How to deal with Loren F*cking Feldman.)

I had a good laugh today when I turned off the talking heads on The McLaughlin Group and checked out the well-thought post by Matt Craven on the Shel Israel/Loren Feldman fight.

I won’t go into details about what’s happening except to say that it’s funny.

In so many ways.

One of the unsaid facts about now is that you don’t really have to know anything.

You can Google “video tips” and learn to make acceptable videos in 10 minutes (15 if read slow).

The fact that a guy with the name Fast Company behind him creates allegedly (I haven’t seen them. No chicks.) boring, badly produced videos is sad and funny.

In so many ways.

Actually internet video turf fights are going on all over.

I hungrily devoured the Andrew Baron post recently about the sexism of Wallstrip and the resulting Twitter fight between the Wallstrip crew and Andrew.

It didn’t get Techmeme traction but still fun reading.

(Note I have seen both shows. Smart chicks.)

These resulting arguments are, of course, good for all involved.

Not because of any agreement they might bring to the space.

But because of the attention it brings.

The rap game taught a generation that the best way to get attention (which, of course, is internet currency) is to take sides and make (a lot) of noise.

What we have in the blogosphere is the generation that grew up on Tupac vs. Biggie playing the same game in their universe.

Unfortunately Shel seems to have grown up on Laurence Welk putting him at an obvious disadvantage.

In so many ways.

Explore posts in the same categories: 1938 media, Adam Elend, celebrity 2.0, jeff marks, Joanne Colan, matt craven, Rocketboom, Rocketboom 2.0, video blogs, videoblogs, wallstrip, web video

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14 Comments on ““A One and A Two…” (Or How to deal with Loren F*cking Feldman.)”

  1. Matt Craven Says:

    Chartreuse –

    Thanks for the linkage and insight. I love how you tie this to some other themes out there.

    And I’m glad to see that you’re blogging again πŸ™‚ Even if its sporadic.


  2. chartreuse Says:

    Very Sporadic.

    I learned that from you! πŸ™‚

  3. Matt Craven Says:

    I think my 18 month vacation was longer than your gap between Season 1 and Season 2

    Then again, I waited almost 18 months between BSG Season 3 and the start of Season 4… sigh


  4. […] Rap-Up.com:// rap-up book in stores now! placed an observative post today on “A One and A Two…” (Or How to deal with Loren F*cking Feldman.)Here’s a quick excerpt […]

  5. […] 1938 media, blogherald, blogs, Chartreuse, Loren Feldman, Matt Craven, media, Shel Israel Chartreuse on the Shel Israel/Loren Feldman controversy. Feldman’s review on Israel’s show. Matt Craven’s writeup on the incidents. […]

  6. […] book. And more than that, he’s made it obvious that he doesn’t really have much of a sense of humour either. For a comedian like Loren, that is the ultimate […]

  7. Its like picking on weaklings though…who cares Char except like 100 people.

    Fast Company is irrelevant whether you or Loren were hosting.

    As you know, I have paid for some of his work too and it was pretty pitiful so he who lives in glass houses….

  8. chartreuse Says:

    I don’t care who cares.

    I just thought it was interesting.

    And it’s happening in real time via twitter and blogs.

    I doubt anyone really cared about Loren’s Shel bashing until it started bothering Shel.

    And that’s when it became interesting…

    Don’t worry, when Loren makes a Chartreuse puppet I’ll just ignore it. And that will be boring as hell.

  9. i understand what you are saying and you have taught me well to ignore. None of that stuff is creating any value for anyone, just scab picking.

  10. Ugly Says:

    I think Loren should make a Howard puppet – now I’d watch that! πŸ™‚

  11. […] and rappers are pretty much the same people. As Chartreuse smartly pointed out: What we have in the blogosphere is the generation that grew up on Tupac vs. Biggie playing the […]

  12. […] few days ago, in a post about the whole Loren Feldman / Shel Israel situation, Chartreuse pointed out in a round about way that bloggers in today’s generation are sort of like rappers: What we have in the blogosphere is the generation that grew up on Tupac vs. Biggie playing the same […]

  13. […] and rappers are pretty much the same people. As Chartreuse smartly pointed out: What we have in the blogosphere is the generation that grew up on Tupac vs. Biggie playing the […]

  14. […] what it’s worth, Chartreuse offered the most coherent advice about dealing with Loren that I’ve read: The rap game taught […]

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