Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts (“Slick Envelope” Edition)

So why is Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest a blockbuster in a world where blockbusters are supposedly dead? Easy. It’s a perfect storm. The intelligentsia/cool kids love Depp. Parents love Disney. Kids love pirates. The first movie had a good word of mouth. I think that covers every major demographic…

In the world of YouTube ripoffs one of the most interesting is PornoTube. Imagine YouTube with nothing but unauthorized porn content. Now that might be worth a billion dollars.

Speaking of sex, the Spoke-Media crew have started DirtySpoke, which is basically an internet version of their Playboy radio show where they review other people’s sex blogs.

Everyone wants to be Digg, Techmeme, Reddit, Gotuit, popurls, Flickr, delicious, etc. The way to get internet famous is to snatch peoples shit and put it in different boxes. But the power is really moving to the content owners. And that completely changes (in the long run) the value of something like YouTube. [I really need to do a post on this]

So I’ve been pondering heading to San Francisco for the WordPress blog party despite what I’ve been reading about the city in the hilarious Starked SF. If I meet a few folks as smart as the ones I met in NYC it’ll be worth it.

Speaking of people I hung out with in NYC, Noah Brier is the real deal. Smart, smart kid who really gets this stuff. Check out his post on Recommendvertising. And here’s Loren Feldman’s example of it.

This is a great story for us ’80’s kids.

That Colleen chick is a pretty good poet. Of course I’m no poetry expert but since no one is watching TV poetry might just be that darkhorse entertainment no ones talking about.

But my favorite line of the morning came from Howard when he wrote about Netflix. “we have nothing but a cool name and slick envelopes.” Ouch!

But I still love those envelopes.

Explore posts in the same categories: blog networks, Communicatrix, Digg, DirtySpoke, Disney, Gotuit, Johnny Depp, Netflix, Noah Brier, Oh Word, oreo ceo, Playboy Radio, Pornotube, spoke media, Starked SF, StarkedSF, Wordcamp, wordpress

16 Comments on “Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts (“Slick Envelope” Edition)”

  1. Robert Bruce Says:

    Yes on Colleen. Uh-huh.

    Now, if only she’d pick up a camera. Video, that is.

  2. nathan Says:

    After that girl you so impressed by using WordPress in NYC, just think of what could happen in SF.

  3. chartreuse Says:

    good point Nathan. Now I have to go! You need to get your bosses to pick up the tab and fly you out there…

  4. Andy Hagans Says:

    Pirates 2 was a blockbuster of course — but actually, fell well below expectations.


    “blockbusters still rule, they’re just ruling slightly less”

  5. Nathan all you are doing is making my job harder. I know you want to participate, but please think safety first. NY went well in terms of security. S.F. can be very tricky. I have real concerns about it. Crazy hippie’s out there. All hopped up on Acid and blogs and wordpress. Makes for an explosive combination.

    Boss, called in the Bulldog for travel. Will have details later.

    That is all.

  6. Meme Says:

    what’s with you coming to NYC and not stopping by the Spoke HQ for tea and bisquits?

    shame, shame, shame.

  7. chartreuse Says:

    I thought about it but the trail of heartbroken guys scared me off…really

  8. David Krug Says:

    Rumors have me also going to SF. Woot.

    Talk about security issues.

  9. Aaron Weber Says:

    Everybody wants to be the new collaborative site and there really isn’t any reason why they can’t. Six Degrees and Friendster were first but MySpace caught on bigger. And Friendster is still there, without being The Biggest.

    StyleFeeder.com and Toptensources.com (the sites I work on) have similarities to other sites like del.icio.us and digg and bloglines. But they also offer something different from those sites, and that, I hope, will give them enough of an edge to attract enough of a user-base.

    I guess we’ll have to see.

  10. site security gets the best lines. I demand a cool title so my humor at this site will be easier to understand and more relevant. Char – get on it.

  11. char – no one believes in the global porn bull market than me, but its not something we should be promoting other than in private emails 🙂

  12. range Says:

    Global porn? Now that will sell.
    Everybody loves Depp playing a drunken pirate, what’s not to love? I hear that Disney complained about the way he portrays Sparrow, but hey, it works. Chow Yun Fat will play one of the bad guys in the next one.

  13. Video?! And kill the mystery!? Never!!!!

    Well, actually, just as soon as I get my shit together. Anon, as we say on the boards.

    BTW, I find it giggly-schoolgirl-funny that I, a verse-o-phobe, am being complimented on anything other than my prose. But thank you. Perhaps y’all are pointing me in the right direction…

  14. Roy T Says:

    Im glad you enjoy Starked SF, I thought it would be a more useful and entertaining version of Valleywag without the bad blood created by destroying reputations. Still no pics of you on here.

  15. Lance Says:

    Just wanted to let you know that pornotube copied us (XTube.com) a few months after we launched (March 2006). XTube’s focus is on Amateur content and we even pay 40% revenue sharing for those who wish to publish online in addition to having DVD on Demand.

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