The Noah Brier Experience (Or How I Stopped Being Twitter-De-Dum)

My Dad is a pretty wise man.

He didn’t get that way till I got older but his way of looking at the world kinda seeped into my alcohol induced cells.

It took years for my Dad to accept call waiting.

“What can be more rude than leaving a conversation to talk to someone else.”

And his final words when friends would try to call us and the phone was inevitably busy:

“If it’s really important they’ll call back.”

It was my Mom that finally convinced the old man to give in. She was definitely the “New School” person in our household. She was always buying the latest of all that interested her and started businesses at the drop of a hat.

My Dad stayed with the same company for 20+ years.

Dad was “Old School” and proud of it.

When I bought my Dad a TIVO he hated it. He told me what a waste it was as I set it up for him.

“I got a VCR.”

When my wife and I dropped by the next week he was sitting in front of the TV watching one of the episodes of his season’s pass to “This Old House”.

“TIVO. Greatest thing in the world. I always wanted one of these.”

Which brings me to Twitter.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t get it.

“Do I really want people bothering me 24/7 with their banalities?”

“I already have IM”

I set it up and it sat for days.

Then I decided to follow Noah Brier.

Noah’s life is not that exciting (to me) but I read some cool stuff. He sent me an email saying how he was going to follow me.

I replyed back (via Gmail) that my attention span was too long for this stuff. That I must be too old for this shit. And where is the Twitter For Dummies book.

I fucked around with Twitter a little longer then went on with my life.

“I should write another blog post.”

But I had so many topics in my head I couldn’t figure out what to write about.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I can use twitter on my blog to reach my audience with the background noise in my head like (The New Google Youtube ads-Doesn’t onscreen ads just say that what you’re watching isn’t that important?“) and use my blog to write about the important stuff like Amy Winehouse (post about her tommorow!)

So I’m inviting you to sign up for twitter and follow me.
My addy is chartreuseb

And if you’re a reader send me yours (or put it in the comments.) You can’t be as boring as Noah!

“Twitter-Greatest thing in the world.”

[note: the above picture of cocaine (i think!)  is an Amy Winehouse reference! This site has no opinion on your personal drug use!]

Explore posts in the same categories: Ads, amy winehouse, Call Waiting, Dad, google, Mom, Noah Brier, This Old House, tivo, twitter, YouTube

19 Comments on “The Noah Brier Experience (Or How I Stopped Being Twitter-De-Dum)”

  1. kid mercury Says:

    the thing i find annoying about twitter is the community of twitter users that think twitter is a community. it is the most context-void place in all of cyberspace. it is almost designed to be void of context.

    as for the technical value, i bet google could clone twitter by accident with spare code lying around. but the company has users, and ultimately that’s all that counts.

    follow me as i spam twitter with updates on my blog posts:

  2. Teeerevor Says:

    Mate, maybe I’ve been smoking to much crack, or had to many mushies or something, but that picture above looks a lot more like clouds sky and trees then cocaine.

  3. Brian Clark Says:

    I never thought I’d say it, but I’m warming to Twitter. I’ve got too much random noise in my head that is of some use and nowhere to put it.

    I’m not following you though. As if. 🙂

  4. chartreuse Says:

    Brian, you kill me!
    Teeerevor-you’re right. I was trying to be funny.
    Kid, can’t wait to read your spam!

  5. Liz Strauss Says:

    Hey Chatreuse!
    A whole group converted me not too long ago. I’ll follow you. You’ll get the request with my name. It’s the same one. 🙂

  6. chartreuse Says:

    cool Liz! expect it to be pretty banal for now…

  7. Andrew Says:

    How could you NOT be Twittering? Your posts read like a series of Twitter messages. That’s why I love them.

  8. fred wilson Says:


    i was going to add at the end of my post yesterday welcoming you back that i had just started following you on twitter too.

    which i did yesterday am

    but i tought better of it. it seemed like i was touting twiter and didn’t want to be doing that.


  9. fred wilson Says:

    what about this twitter account?

    is that you too?

    now i am following two chartreuses on twitter


  10. Fraser Says:

  11. Eric Says:

    As I said before – glad you are back. You can follow me too:

  12. Dave Says:

    Growing at a logarithmic rate, soon all twitter users will be so consumed in following other twits that the post will be just about following others…

    The perfect circle…

    Call me old school, but if you twit all day long, what do people talk about when they are face to face?

    Or the other thread is that twitter is the ultimate reality show. Who needs to DVR Big Brother 9 when video twitter is released. (is already registered?)

  13. chartreuse Says:

    Fred, I see you found the unofficial twitter account. That was me just getting my head around the site. Seeing what the noise was about. When I decided to make it official I set up a new account. I have plans for that one,too…but I can’t say what.

    Dave, I kind of feel the same way. But nothing I twit will be in a blog post.

  14. engtech Says: <– blah blah blah <– what I’m finding interesting on the web (link dump)

  15. […] Chartreuse has blogged about Twitter. Honestly, I haven’t really bothered. Since I’m Asia right now, I’m not set up to surf on my phone so it doesn’t really matter. Twitter is a way to create networks through your mobile phone. However, I do log into Facebook everyday. I don’t spend that much time on it, but it is good to reconnect with some old friends. […]

  16. […] Chartreuse has blogged about Twitter. Honestly, I haven’t really bothered. Since I’m Asia right now, I’m not set up to surf on my phone so it doesn’t really matter. Twitter is a way to create networks through your mobile phone. However, I do log into Facebook everyday. I don’t spend that much time on it, but it is good to reconnect with some old friends. […]

  17. […] [TWITTER] The Noah Brier Experience (Or How I Stopped Being Twitter-De-Dum) ( […]

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