Archive for the ‘work’ category

what matters (Jello Edition)

August 21, 2007

Some of us are completely backwards


The Labor Day Remix

September 3, 2006

Productivity is up because you bag your own groceries.

Wages are down so you can post profits in your 401k.

Everything is really about the work.

Even this remix:


An Open Letter To Those Born After 1982 (Or The One Thing Your Parents Got Right)

August 23, 2006

Here’s the deal.

Your stepdad, stepmom, guardian, caregiver or actual biological parent screwed up.

Oh, they meant well, but they got it wrong.

Not on purpose.

But because they didn’t understand.

They filled your head with what ended up being lies and now you are walking around somewhat confused. Your instincts are saying one thing but the voices your parents put in your head are saying something else.

Let me clear it up for you.


Living With Beyonce (Or The Problem with Most Blog Networks)

June 7, 2006


[ one of the cool things about having this space is that I get the chance to give other folks the stage once in a while. 9rules honcho Beyonce (or Tyme White to those who don't read this blog) agreed to write something specifically for you guys. I wasn't expecting anything too controversial, oops! It's a great read and really something for writers to think about before joining a blog network.] 
