Archive for the ‘design’ category

WallStrip, WebbAlert And The Problem With Content

August 20, 2007

As anyone who was involved in the creating of the successful videoblog Wallstrip can tell you I was wrong about everything.

I hated the concept when Howard told it to me. (“jokes? about money?“)

I disagreed with Adam Elend and Jeff Marks writing it. (“You want some pinko-socialists who’s claim to fame was a video about a dude on death row to write comedy?”)

And I thought the host, Lindsay Campbell, was wrong. (“The chick knows nothing about stocks, how can she be authentic.“)

Of course I was wrong about everything which gives me the confidence I need to look at another high-profile video show new to the web.



The Importance of Design And The Unimportance Of Blogs ( Or The 9rules Donut Obsession)

May 18, 2006


Hopefully, the first thing you notice on your first visit to this blog is that it doesn't have a real domain name.

Then, that the design is obviously a template.


Tuesday Remix (all text except for one video commercial edition)

May 16, 2006

A Mother's Day Video Card

Not a good last few days for Michael Arrington.



Women Seriously Discuss 'I Am Man' Burger King Commercial. Really. [reloaded: One of those women is a guy! My bad! 🙂 ]

Can The Blog Herald Be Saved? (Or Advice For People With Amazing Cows)

April 18, 2006


not a true story

So this guy is driving his sports car on an empty road when the car breaks down. As he's looking under the hood a cow moseys over to the car, stares at the engine and then says

The problem is probably with your carburetor.

The guy, of course, is in shock. The cow had spoken to him!He looks around and sees a farmhouse in the distance. He runs to the farmhouse and bangs on the door. when the farmer answers he tells him the story of the talking cow.
